WHAT DO THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN HELPED BY MAGICAL CHANGE SAY? I have personally counselled approximately 150 children so far, working with Magical Change techniques, to help young people to make positive changes in their emotions, confidence, well-being, behaviour, quality of life and potential. So what do the young people themselves have to say when the process is over? Here is a selection of some of the very many positive pieces of feedback that I have received :- "Before I felt like a bubble was growing inside me. Now the bubble has popped"
I (aged 7) "Since I`ve been talking to you, I`ve been so proud of what I`ve been able to do. Because around a year ago, I wouldn`t be able to do half the stuff, I`ve been able to this year. " A (aged 15) "I didn`t know I could change. I thought I was born like that."
J (aged 11) "Thank you for helping me to be the person you know I can be. You`ve lifted me from the bottom, when others felt they could do no more and tried to take away my hope." S (aged 18) " It (working with Magical Change) made me feel safe, like when I`m having a hug with my parents. At first, I was a bit worried that it would not work because about 6 other people had tried to help me before. I would say to other children that sometimes you might be nervous but it changes you into a happier and a better person. I`m much better since the card. You and everyone around you will be much happier" M (aged 9) "My `better` feelings wouldn`t have lasted without the Magical Change Challenge" S (aged 9) " When I took the challenge, I felt like someone was with me. I started to feel better when I was OK expressing my opinions in class. I do things differently now - I`m different and happier." F (aged 10) " In the past, I've been feeling like my life is wasting because life flies by when you`re old or a little old like me. I've also lost my appetite and I've had pains in my ribs because I'm not eating enough and I'm also getting more skinny. I've been sad because there was nothing to look forward to. I`ve been trying the tool and it`s working quite well and I`m feeling really positive about this when it`s only a couple of minutes after the appointment" O (aged 9) "I am very proud to have been the first child to have responded well to Magical Change. It certainly helped me and I know it can help others too." A (now aged 16) "You did a lot more than most people could. I think that our sessions helped a lot and I think I've got my anger under control." C (aged 14) "I was a little scared , and Trudy had a good chat with me and gave me some techniques to help with my nerves. These techniques have helped me realise things aren`t always as scary as they seem. I now feel braver and I challenge myself more than before." F (aged 9) "We used stickers to show how confident I felt and when I finished I got a certificate and then I felt that I did have more confidence. I knew I could push myself more and I still have my certificate in a safe place." I (aged 8) "It got me though the week, helping me with tests and matches and with controlling my anxiety." M (aged 14) "I've had a really crap two weeks but I always remember the advice you gave me and it really helps x" O (aged 18) "It calms my worrying and I can be proud of myself and feel I can be more successful, more focused and in less trouble. I like your stories best - they inspire me and give me tactics. I now feel I am more knowledgeable and I can focus more. I feel calmer and less odd. It felt like a challenge and I needed to give it my all. I would say to other children that if you start this challenge, you can change as a person and could change others and become more successful. " O (aged 11) "I liked having someone that I can talk to that I can trust. I`ve changed in all kinds of ways but I don`t know the words to express them" R (aged8) "I felt nervous at first but I wanted to know what it felt like to talk to an adult. It was the first time apart from my mum and dad. I gradually started feeling better. I enjoyed chatting to someone and showing them something I`m proud of. Take the challenge. You`ll feel much better afterwards." J (aged 9) I`d encourage other children to try because it might help them in the future. Be confident – use the tools, persevere and succeed." C (aged 11) "I want to be alone when I am angry but now I feel a lot better about myself. My work`s better and my behaviour is better. Try it. It is a good opportunity for it to help you." H (aged 11) "I think you are a unique teacher. You don`t concentrate on what has been done wrong. You look for a reason." O (aged 16) I recently asked for specific areas of feedback from families that have completed the Magical Change challenge. E - girl (aged 16) How do you feel now?
I can now say, with full honesty, that while I’m still constantly working, and will be recovering for quite some time - that you have helped me significantly. I have more confidence in myself and in life in general. You have helped me find better ways to cope and helped me find better ways to express myself and my emotions in a healthy way. I feel happy.
What skills do you feel you have that you didn’t have before (if any) I feel the skills I have taken from the sessions are: how to be expressive in a healthy way, to be, in the knowledge that I can’t always control everything and I have also learnt how to deal with situations I usually may have avoided, or stayed away from, and I can now be going into them with much more confidence. I have acquired the skill of communication - which I realised I never had before.
What advice you would give to another teenager about taking the challenge?
My advice would be you have to be willing to make a change and help yourself. You may believe you have nobody but there is someone who will always listen. Nobody can fix you on their own you have to be dedicated to want to make a change, no matter how impossible or how unrealistic it may seem. It’s a hard and heavy task but in the end it’s always easier than you think. Time and persistence always helps to overcome the challenge.
If you feel better than you did before - what aspects of the sessions do you think worked or appealed to you? Personally, I needed to feel comfortable and that I had someone to talk to that wouldn’t judge me or make me feel bad for what I say or how I coped with certain situations. I think the things that worked for me were breaking things down and analysing what may be the triggers, what type of situations, people and environments were damaging for me. I liked the aspect of having someone to talk to and who just let me say what I wanted but didn’t try to tell me that I was wrong for feeling that way but instead tried to find a positive outlook on a situation and how to cope better. I also liked when tasks were set, so I could compartmentalise my thoughts and emotions and find roots to problems or different coping mechanisms. Thank you so much for what you have done to help me, you have really helped me change my life around for the better 🙂 E - girl (aged 17) How did you feel before?
Before we started working together I felt like I was losing control of my problems and how to deal with them- I was making decisions for myself that weren’t helpful and that were irresponsible.
How do you feel now?
Now i feel like i can make the correct choices for myself, for my well-being and health. I also now have a better hold on how to react in certain situations, rather than panicking and making irrational decisions. I feel as though I can think clearly and calm myself down well, when I need to.
What skills do you feel you have that you didn’t have before (if any)
Now, I`m able to evaluate the consequences of my decisions more easily - I can think responsibly in terms of how not to damage my health or mental health. I also can manage my anxiety a lot better, using breathing exercises and understanding how to think in a different perspective.
What advice you would give to another teenager about taking the challenge?
My advice would be to try as hard as possible to think positive and not let any exercises scare you. Trusting that things do get better eventually is key. If you give up and don’t even try the exercises or try to engage, you won’t get better- it’s all about putting in the effort yourself, and thinking positively and enthusiastically is the way forward.
If you feel better than you did before - what aspects of the sessions do you think worked for you/appealed to you
In the sessions there was a lot of talk about understanding the people around you, specifically if you have confidence issues and insecurities about what others think of you. The sessions help you understand that you can only control your reactions and not others. This is extremely helpful because it makes you also realise that not everyone looks at you as much as you think - it’s a relief in a way to understand that people care a lot less than you think.
What were your three favourite quotations from the set of quotations that I sent you.
1. When you can’t control what’s happening, control the way you respond to what’s happening- for that is where your power is!
2.Mistakes are proof that you are trying!
3.You can choose to have a great day! Thank you so much for everything Trudy! My life has literally turned around for the better and it couldn`t have happened without you. Thank you for teaching and guiding me through my issues. I will be forever grateful. B - boy aged 11 How did you feel before the Magical Change Challenge? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words)
'Most of the time I just felt angry for some reason.' I felt 5/10.
How do you feel now? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words)
'I now feel 8/10. She helped me to not feel so angry. Trudy just explained things in a different way.'
What skills do you feel you have that you didn’t have before (if any)
'I now know if I'm about to get angry, I have things I can do to try to stop it.'
What advice would give to another child about taking the Magical Change challenge?
'If you are like me and you don't know what to do when you get angry, talk to Trudy, she will teach you how to feel better.'
If you feel better than you did before - what was it about our sessions that worked for you or appealed to you ?
'I really enjoyed being able to see my progress and being able to talk through things that were bothering me - with Trudy.'
K - girl aged 9 How did you feel before the Magical Change Challenge? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words) 2/10 I felt angry all the time. I didn't know how to explain myself. How do you feel now? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words) 8/10 I know how to calm myself better before I get too angry. What skills do you feel you have that you didn’t have before (if any) Knowing the triggers - I know when I am about to get angry, recognising the signs before I feel too angry. What advice would give to another child about taking the Magical Change challenge? Know that you are not seeing Trudy because you are a "bad" girl/boy. You just need some help to understand your emotions and learn to deal with them. Find what helps you. Listen to Trudy, she really can help you. If you feel better than you did before - what was it about our sessions that worked for you or appealed to you ? I loved filling my card up with stickers. Also enjoyed doing the journal with you. I also loved the animal card game we played. O - boy aged 17
How did you feel before the Magical Change Challenge? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words)
Before Magical Change sessions I felt 3/10. This is because I felt down all the time and struggled to get the motivation to do things. Also I had a hard time talking to people and my confidence was low which had a negative impact on my mood.
How do you feel now? (on a scale of 0-10 and in words) Now I feel much better, I feel good most of the time and when I do feel down, I know how to deal with it, and know how to get to the root of the problem. Also I am much more confident and actually enjoy talking to, and getting to know people. I would say my mood is an 8/10.
What skills do you feel you have that you didn’t have before (if any)
I have gained lots of conversational skills through the use of the sessions, for example asking people questions. I have also learned the importance of eye contact and use it in every day life. Overall I have learned how to come across much more confident and friendly.
What advice would give to another young person about taking the Magical Change challenge?
The advice I would give to another person taking the Magical Change challenge is to be patient. It does not come overnight, and it is not easy, but if you persevere you will come out on top.
If you feel better than you did before - what was it about our sessions that worked for you or appealed to you ?
The best things about the sessions was being able to talk to someone about the problems I was having in day to day life. It was also good to have someone with a clear head to be able to look at the problems from a different angle. Finally the sessions taught me how to interact with people and how to form good relationships. Thanks for your help Trudy you helped me get through a lot.
Created By CrazyDomains